I spent the next two years in and around Tokyo, Japan as a missionary. From the time I graduated from high school until I got to Japan I grew about six inches, so I was finally above average height, and was literally Big in Japan. I loved my mission experience! I loved Japan and the Japanese people.
After my mission, I attended SUU and did the student government and leadership jazz. I spent the summers while I was in college in various parts of country (Dallas, Tampa, Chicago) doing consulting or sales jobs. I met Lindsey at SUU, and knew from the day I met her that I would have to figure out a way to get her to marry me. Somehow I convinced her that would be a good idea. I graduated in Business Marketing in 2004.
Lindsey and I got married the week after graduation, and we moved to Lincoln, Nebraska that summer. I started law school in the fall. Lindsey graduated from the University of Nebraska in Early Childhood Development and Education with a 3.98. (I know how could someone that smart want to hang around with a guy like me—luck, pure luck.) I graduated from law school in 2007. We moved from Lincoln to Daybreak (South Jordan), and I currently work as an attorney in a litigation firm in Salt Lake.
Last October we had our first child, Bennett. He has been such a great addition to our family! We went for a couple of months learning to function on little to no sleep, but the payment in smiles and giggles was worth it. He is now crawling and climbing stairs, so he keeps us busy. Life is beautiful!
I love reminiscing about high school. There are so many great stories, but I'll share the first two that came mind. First, when I told Larry Davis I thought the poem he read was sappy, so he crumpled the paper and threw it at me. I wish I could remember the name of that poem. Second, when Covy jumped out of his car to fight a guy who was following us, only to have the guy flip on his police lights and see that the guy was Lamar Guymon. (I won't divulge the rest of the story, but I have chuckled with Lamar years later about that experience.)
We are planning to come down for the reunion, and I look forward to seeing everyone again.
The name of that poem was "The Picnic."
Oh Covy...
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