Monday, June 30, 2008

Ty Wakefield

This is my first blogging experience. I usually leave that to my wife. I’m not sure how this is going to go, seeing as it just took me two days to compose a text message. So please excuse my amateur blogging ability.

Before I get into what I’ve been doing for the past ten years, here are a few reminisces of high school:
-Small basketball gymnasium; oversized Joel Dorscht (sp?) sound system equipment (Do you think we can get him to DJ the reunion?)
-Our local lunch options: Food Ranch, Stewart’s, & Bob’s. The top menu items (aka Pizza Stick, Tater Tots, Maple Bars) are still with me in my cholesterol count. I need clarification on one thing, Ethan & Heidi – is it now called “Ethan’s” or “Heidi’s” or do I call one of you Bob?
-Another thing that I’d like to have at the reunion is for “,, and” to reveal their identities. I’ve got some guesses…
-Here’s a warning for Justin Gee: Wear a cup, because I’ve been waiting for 10 years to payback your kick to my groin in Larry Davis’ class.

After high school, I was able to spend two years in Ireland on my mission. Currently, I’m in Mesquite, NV with my wife, Jamie and our two children. Lydia is four, Drake is 2, and we have a baby due in November. Jamie & I graduated from BYU and then went to Las Vegas so I could complete my Physical Therapy degree. That pretty much covers it. (I can see now why you ladies blog all day – this is reeaaal scintillating.) Now I’ll have my four year old come over and teach me how to attach pictures…Look forward to seeing everyone in August. Until then, keep blogging it up

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